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⭐️ Our main goal is to develop the competence of employees and the capacity of organizations in the field of child welfare, which has always been important and relevant for the social sphere in Ukraine.

Last year, we returned to our goals: from responding, crisis intervention➡️ to stability and planning in the face of uncertainty and crisis.

Therefore, the main focuses of our work were:

  • Preventing burnout among specialists
  • Developing a culture of supervision
  • Helping to train specialists to work with new categories of clients
  • Helping people to develop resilience
  • Creating a culture of online learning
  • Making training accessible
  • Development of professional competencies
  • Building the capacity of organizations
  • Training specialists to work with loss
  • Helping organizations to establish cooperation with the community

How has this year been for ILDC? Check out the key results of our work in the Annual Report
