ILDC methodology
The ILDC is guided by the best practices and scientific research in our activities. This ensures the effectiveness of training activities and the work of the organization in general. On this page you will find out what are the main principles and methodological basis of the our workThe work of the ILDC is based on the principle of a training system
This ensures that the work of child protection specialists is professional and the services they provide are of high quality
A training system is a multi-stage (complex) process that begins with identifying the target audience, includes determining the need for training (according to the list of knowledge and skills that need to be developed to perform work tasks), preparing materials and trainers for the training program, organizing and conducting the training.
The final part is post-training support and monitoring of progress, which helps to evaluate compliance with the knowledge and skills acquired by the participants.

What is the competence-based approach?
The ILDC is guided by a competency-based approach in all areas of our activities (this applies to the work of ILDC team, the development of our training programs, the development of the our information campaign and other areas)
We use the following concepts of “competencies” and “competences” in accordance with the definition of The Institute for Human Services, IHS (Ohio, USA)
Knowledge and skills required to perform work tasks
Ability to perform work tasks through the possession of relevant competencies
There are different types of competencies:
- basic competencies – competencies required of all social workers without exception (e.g., the ability to communicate professionally, to implement an effective planning process, etc.)
- specialized competencies – those competencies required to perform functions and tasks in the workplace in accordance with client groups and solve specific problems. The relevance of these knowledge and skills becomes apparent after practical experience
- additional
The first and last types of competencies are formed during the training. The second type – specialized competencies – are acquired by a specialist through practicing the acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace.

The competency-based approach is an approach for developing programs, conducting training, and training specialists in the workplace based on the acquisition of competencies (abilities to perform work tasks), mastering competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) that allow an effective performance of the functions .
According to the competence-based approach, we determine the position that needs training. Further, the model provides clarification of professional functions, elements of activity, responsibilities of the position. In the following, we highlight the ability to perform these elements of activity – the knowledge, skills and abilities that are required to perform the assigned functions in the workplace, assigned to this position.
An example of a competency-based approach
Competent adult – person who has the necessary competencies (e.g., understanding the difference between control, punishment and discipline, knowledge of ways to control the child’s behavior, etc.) and is able to perform his/her educational tasks/functions (e.g., influence the child’s behavior).

ILDC independently collects best practices and develops training programs. Alternatively, we receive materials from a partner organization or a client, and translate and adapt them to the realities of Ukrainian legislation and practice
Evaluation by practitioners, trainers, experts. The developed program is presented to trainers and engaged experts with practical experience in the relevant topic. Based on the expert evaluation, we add clarifications, additions, and other recommendations to the program before training the target audience
Feedback from participants of the program. We take into account the quantitative and qualitative feedback from participants of the program to determine whether the program content is relevant to their practical activities
Review the program content
Feedback from program participants . Each program is regularly updated to reflect changes in research, practice, and legislation
The Competency-Based Approach as the Basis for Practitioner Training
Key features of practitioner training:
- training has to be practice-oriented. Training participants are encouraged to see the benefits of applying acquired knowledge in practice
- involving the participant in the training process and the special role of the trainer during the training

One of the factors of the effectiveness of ILDC training is provided by the fact that we evaluation of participant’s training needs . We provide training on what people need. We give people what will make their work more effective through training.
General evaluation of training needs
- is conducted when the target audience of the training is uncertain
- contains open questions about professional and educational characteristics, training needs related to the implementation of work tasks
- allows to develop a new program or revise the content of an outdated one
Specific training needs evaluation
is conducted when the required competencies for the participants are known (competency model)
contains closed questions with a list of competencies or training topics
allows to easily and quickly establish the training needs and priorities of the group
One of the key principles of training effectiveness is that trainers should be practitioners and experts in their field. Our task is to prepare experts for training activities. We train trainers according to our system.
Selection of candidates according to criteria
Training of the candidate in accordance with training system
Involvement in all phases of training
Training in the implementation of a specific training program
Recieving feedback from trainers, questionnaire for evaluating the level of trainer`s competencies
The first training with more experienced co-trainer
Co-trainer gives feedback, which helps improve individual candidate’s skills as a trainer
Conducting independent training
Feedback from training participants and ILDC’s team member
Trainer certification
After completing the training, the trainers have the necessary competencies to conduct effective and high-quality training.
ILDC provides constant support for trainers ,creates conditions for the development of their professional trainer’s competencies.
Who is responsible for the effectiveness of training?
High-quality training can only be achieved when each of the entities involved in the process of organizing and conducting training takes part of the responsibility.
Leader / manager
- evaluates the training needs of his/her employee
- creates a training environment (creating a training culture in the work environment)
- helps to realize the acquired knowledge in the workplace by the worker
- completes all tasks – during and after the training
- ensures that nothing distracts him/her during the training
- is active and involved in the training
- creates a plan for practicing competencies at the workplace during the training
Training organizer
- ensures that participants acquire the competencies set out in the program
- takes care of participants, trainers, and partners in the training process
- creates conditions for effective training
- ensures the assimilation of information by participants in effective forms and methods
- encourages participants to plan the implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace
- is a practitioner in the relevant topic
- has the required competencies
We guarantee that the participants will acquire the competencies set out in the program
Learning is more effective in a safe environment, inspiring relationships with colleagues, organizers, and partners
We have standards and tools that help make training effective. We are experts who constantly develop and improve ourselves. In our work, we are attentive to details and use the best practices
levels of adult training
When developing training programs and online courses, we take into account that adult learning takes place at four levels:

Level 1: Awareness
The specialist comes to realize the importance of training and begins to understand its purpose, what exactly can be obtained through training.
Level 2. Knowledge, understanding
The specialist takes training or online courses, receives information, and develops understanding. And then he/she can give meaning to this information.
Level 3: Acquiring skills
After a specialist has received information and begun to understand its meaning, he or she is given the opportunity to practice. Our task is to help those who are training to transfer the knowledge and experience gained from the training to life.
Level 4: Mastering the skill
A skill is formed in the course of professional activity – when a specialist applies the knowledge and skills acquired in the training at the workplace.
The principles of adult training
We develop our training programs and online courses according to the principles that allow you to train effectively, gain the necessary competencies and apply them immediately in the workplace.
Understanding the specifics of adult training, we:
Focus on solving problems from the point of view of those undergoing training and involve participants in the training process as much as possible (through various content, exercises, practical tasks, and tests)
Support the self-direction of those undergoing training
Acompany them in the training process, provide instructions and technical support
Help those undergoing training to identify their training needs
Understand and respect the previous experience of those undergoing training, and encourage the application of new knowledge along with the experience gained

“Transfer” of learning is the tools and conditions that help a specialist apply the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of training in their professional activities. This may be possible under the following conditions:

In the curriculum
Competencies that meet the current training needs of participants are included
It includes the development of a plan for practicing the acquired knowledge and skills in the workplace
During the training
All learning styles of participants are taken into account, theory and practice are combined (“skills training”)
We use experimental exercises, drawing up action plans, modeling, identifying and developing measures to eliminate barriers to the application of what we have learned
At the workplace
The manager, together with the employee, creates a plan for developing competencies in the workplace, creates conditions for training (so that the employee is focused on the training) and further application of what he or she has learned in practice.
when people feel safe, they learn better
when people have good relationships, they interact more productively and achieve better results
people can study when their basic needs are met
people train and become inspired through relationships
.The main goal of the training is to implement practical skills in the workplace.
Several conditions need to be met to ensure effective training and implementation of the skills acquired in practice:
- Right People – the participants should be selected to match their work functions to the competencies covered by the training program
- Relevant content – the training program should meet the current training needs and help develop the competencies that will improve participants’ work
- Appropriate time – training should take place when workers start working or face new tasks that require the development of specific competencies.

Monitoring of activities allows us to reasonably understand whether we are doing our job well, based on clear criteria. In training, as in any other activity, it is important to evaluate both the process and the result: whether we did everything right and what we achieved. The purpose of monitoring training effectiveness is to collect evidence of the progress and results of training to show how successful it was.
Through training, we improve the work of specialists, their knowledge and skills, and their ability to perform their work tasks efficiently and effectively. As a result, we improve the delivery of social services and social practice in general. As a consequence, we influence the quality of life of our clients.
In monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training, the ILDC works within the framework of a competency-based approach, which allows us to take into account the key factors of successful training and transfer of acquired knowledge to practice.
Monitoring and evaluation process

The goals of our training are the changes that take place in the workplace of professionals, clients and the industry as a whole
At the stage of training program or online course development, we determine whether the course complies with the learning development methodology. Also at this stage, we measure whether the competencies are relevant to the work tasks and functions of specialists. We offer specialists to undergo a needs assessment, determine which competencies need to be developed and which online courses will help them do so.
Before starting training, specialists take a pre-test, complete tests after each module and practical tasks during the course. And after completing the training, they fill out a post-test and a feedback form. This is how we measure whether the level of knowledge and skills of specialists has increased as a result of the training.
To measure whether the acquired knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and whether work efficiency has improved, we ask specialists to fill out a post-post questionnaire (3 months after the training) and collect feedback from their managers.
Feedback and stories about the impact of training on practice, which we ask specialists and managers to fill out, help us assess how practice has changed. We measure whether the quality of service delivery to clients has improved, what values, understanding, and methods are guiding the workplace, and what changes are taking place in the field as a whole.
At the last stage, we measure whether the standard of living of the clients with whom the specialists work has improved. We collect feedback, stories of impact from the employees’ supervisors, and analyze whether there has been an improvement in service delivery, whether the number of positive customer reviews has increased, whether the level of the organization’s work has improved, what changes are being implemented in the community, what changes are taking place in the lives of families with children.
The competency approach is based on the following logic about the development of competence and its impact on practice:

The competencies and competences (knowledge, skills and abilities) included in the training programs (1) are acquired by the participants in the course of training (2), form new competencies (ability to apply values, knowledge and skills), and, subsequently, their application in the workplace (3) leads to the introduction of new/better services, improvement of the quality of services already provided, introduction of new tools, change of practice (4) and improvement in the social situation of clients (5). As a result, we can track the improvement of social services in general in a particular field.
Evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of training is designed to track changes at each of these stages.
The main goal of our training is to influence workers and change their practices, their workplace activities, interactions with clients, and the quality of their services. In evaluation and monitoring, we are primarily focused on measuring the impact on the system, on changes in practice, changes in the workplace.
In order to achieve this goal, it is important for us to adhere to the quality of training and the principles that ensure it. That is why we monitor the entire training process, and the stages BEFORE and AFTER it: the quality of the curriculum, selection of participants for training, assessment of their training needs, the training process, its results, according to the indicators set out in the program.