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According to World Health Organisation statistics, every 700th baby in the world is born with Down syndrome. That’s why every year in October we celebrate the National #DownSyndrome Awareness Month to raise awareness and advocate for the acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.

October was first declared World Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the 1980s and has been celebrated every year since. It is a time to refute common myths and stereotypes about people with Down syndrome and to talk about their individual qualities, abilities and achievements.

⭐️ What is Down syndrome?
Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total) – half from the father and half from the mother. However, in the case of Down syndrome, the child is born with an additional copy or a part of a copy of 21 chromosome, which means 47 chromosomes in total. Everything in the body is interconnected, and the appearance of additional genetic material affects all biological processes, changes the development of the child’s body and brain, which can cause mental and physical differences.

People with Down syndrome still struggle with stereotypes and myths, but they have proven time and time again that this condition is just a part of their personality that does not define them or limit their capabilities. That is why it is so important to share information and spread a culture of acceptance, inclusion and respect.
So, today we want to dispel some of the most common myths about Down syndrome.
Check it out on our Facebook page!