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The war has been going on in the country for more than six months. The population continues to be in the background of war – in a state of tension, fear and uncertainty.

Under these conditions, requests for receiving professional support from psychologists – grow and change.


Психологи працюють з випадками депресивних станів, зниженням бажання жити, наслідками масштабних ракетних обстрілів, підготовкою до свідчень сексуального насильства з боку окупантів, роботою з родичами полонених

This service is required if

Your organization cares about its employees and strives to provide them with psychological support and assistance

Your project lacks the component of psychological support and assistance

You provide social services to a certain target audience, and you understand that they need qualified psychological help and support

We provided

consultations in general
(*as of 31.08.22)

supervision of consultants to prevent professional burnout

The main areas of work of our consultants

Replenishment of personal resources and search for internal and external resources

Psychoeducation of acute stress

Responding to emotions

Reducing anxiety

Finding ways to take care of yourself

Identification of needs. Taking back control of your life

Support in self-sufficiency and self-regulation

Preparation for deposition about sexual crimes

Finding ways to cope with grief and loss

Support for newborn care

Who provides consultations

Client reviews

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