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Our experts conducted a training for trainers “Effective Management of Employee Professional Development” for the team of the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision.

On July 9-12, a four-day training for trainers “Effective Management of Employee Professional Development” was held at the PRAVOKATOR.Kyiv Legal Club. The event was aimed at forming an understanding of the competency-based approach to the professional development of employees, as well as developing training skills of the management of the free legal aid system.

“Over the past year, the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision has been working on building a new system of professional development for the Free Legal Aid system employees, focused on a competency-based approach. Thanks to the cooperation with the “International Leadership and Development Leadership Center”, whose experts have been practicing the implementation of the competency-based approach in organizations for more than 15 years, we have the opportunity to adopt high-quality experience in building and improving our own system,” said Yaroslava Tsukanova, Head of the Department of Training and Human Resources Development of the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision.

The training was conducted by Oksana Mykhailovska, operations director of NGO “ILDC”, an expert on adult learning and competency-based approach, and Victoria Mykolayenko, training director of NGO “ILDC”, an expert on employee development, training systems and training organization of the International Center for Development and Leadership. The training was attended by 15 specialists from the free legal aid system.

“It is a great pleasure for us to share the methodology of the competency-based training system. I am confident that the participants of the training, upon returning to their workplaces, will be able to improve the work of their team members, create a training environment for them, optimize the work of employees for the sake of the changes we are working for – quality services to clients and changes in their lives for the better,” said Oksana Mykhailovska.

More details about the training are available on the official website of PRAVOKATOR Legal Club: