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We are reopening registration for group supervision for professionals working with veterans and their families! Hurry up to register and join us.

Given the many challenges of military duty and participation in hostilities, social work in communities with veterans and their families becomes a support for them in the process of social adaptation to these challenges.

Supervision is a tool for developing the quality of social support for veterans and their families. At our meetings, we share our experience, discuss cases and topics, and find ways to solve certain issues. Last but not least, we feel professional support from each other.

If you:

✅ are a professional working with veterans and their families

✅ are a specialist working with families of military personnel

✅ want to learn about ways to build contact with a veteran during social and psychological work

✅ have ethical dilemmas and want to learn more about the ethical components of working with this group of clients

✅ do not know how to work with families whose loved ones are missing

Then we invite you to join our GROUP SUPERVISIONS!

This is an opportunity to:

analyze complex work cases, identify problem areas in work and get help in solving them

get support and reduce stress, prevent burnout

improve your own professional skills

strengthen morale, motivation and increase job satisfaction

When will the groups be held?

Starting August 31, Thursday, 13:00-14:30 (Kyiv time).

Then – once every two weeks, on Thursdays, from 13:00 to 14:30. The duration of the group is 1.5 hours.

What are the format and conditions?

▪️ online format

▪️ participation is free

Who conducts supervision?

Olha Shcherbakova – an expert and trainer of NGO “ILDC”, a coach, a consultant in the method of positive psychotherapy, deputy director of the Kharkiv Regional Center of Social Services, has been working with veterans and military personnel since 2014.

Register here:

Our soldiers take care of us on the battlefield. We take care of them and their families here